Story Summary
Tyrone Jackson has overcome incredible odds to become a successful oncologist and medical pioneer. He returns to his old high school Alma matter and learns the disturbing truth behind his unusual rise to fame. He must decide whether or not to divulge his secret. Doing so could help young disadvantaged youth. While revealing it may jeopardize his future endeavors.
Statistically African American males are often portrayed in the media in a negative light. Their failures, not their accomplishments are what receive the most media attention. They are less likely to go to college, are held back and suspended at a higher rate and more likely to be labeled intellectually inferior during grade school. Those who attempt to escape poverty through education are often ostracized by their peers. Illiteracy increases the likelihood of living in poverty or going to prison.
Project Goal:
Studies attribute the disparity to numerous sources, but the most damaging is how a young man sees himself. In our story a perfect SAT score changed the expectations outsiders placed on Tyrone. He was forced to work extremely hard and seek out assistance in order to live up to those expectations. But when you have the support of your parents, teachers and an entire community perhaps anything is possible. The goal of the project is to change the expectations we place on our kids and ourselves. Being "Average" doesn't mean we can't be smart, talented or driven.We are all capable of greatness.